
Friday, November 24, 2006

Youth leaps from school roof

AdelaideNow... Youth leaps from school roof:

"Alarms were activated at the school about 12.40am and when police arrived they found the youth on the roof. He jumped but was caught and arrested moments later."

The long arm off the floor!!! I am so glad he was caught because I feel really sorry for kids and teachers who constantly lose their schoolwork, property and whatever else because anti social young ones think it's okay to damage and steal what is not theirs. Kids must get sick and tired of it and teachers must get disheartened. I am glad the alarms worked and I am glad the police were really on the ball. Maybe they'll think again if they get caught and maybe the majority of good people can get the balance restored because we are constantly victims of these few who are just so bloomin' horrible.

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