
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Indigenous royalties to be shaken up

The Courier-Mail: Indigenous royalties to be shaken up :

"'There's no point in indigenous Australians being asset-rich and dirt-poor,' Aboriginal Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone said yesterday."

True, true. Far better to change it and ensure we get the money because the NT, in particular, is set to boom with all the mining. Can't have that money being invested in the oldest race on earth. They won't know how to spend it all. I hope to goodness we have some decent lawyers looking after the assets of our indigenous folk...because they own those assets, they have been custodians for such a long time..and we just can see the $$$$$$$$ signs.

"Alice Springs-based Labor MP Warren Snowdon said yesterday changes to reduce secrecy and conflicts of interest were an "unnecessary intervention" and land councils should have been consulted."

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