
Friday, November 24, 2006

Adelaide upbeat on MP3

AdelaideNow... Adelaide upbeat on MP3:

"ADELAIDE music lovers spend more time listening to their MP3 players than any other state, research has found."

Upbeat?? I hate that word. Is it a good thing everyone here is plugged in? Glued to the mobile or the MP3? Hearing loss might be a problem. Who cares. Accidents might be a problem. Who cares. Personal safety might be an issue. So what? So long as we are plugged it. Are we affected socially? Do we think reality is less important than our own version of the real world. If we lock ourselves out in diversion are we safe? Does it cause problems at work and school. A lot of people are plugged in on public transport. A lot of people are plugged in as they walk and cycle. it means you are tuned out from reality. Is it a problem? I have an MP3 player and I think they are nifty little devices. Mine is basically for travelling or to pass the time on an exercise bike. I don't plug in when I might need my ears and I don't plug in in company. I think it's important to be a part of things and not to reduce others to non events. That's me , though. So why aren't they so popular in other states? Here you think you are very odd if you don't have one.

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