
Friday, November 24, 2006

Beer giant may be next to go

Beer giant may be next to go :

"A day after Qantas revealed it was in talks with an American-backed buy-out consortium, the Australian Stock Exchange asked Foster's to explain a dramatic surge in its share price."

The world according to the multinationals and the rich. Money. The world is not divided geographically, it is carved up by the rich. It's about profit , not people, so nationality and national icons have no meaning other than the money they can generate because of the brand. I wonder , if once we take the national identity out of the brands, whether they will just flop? Rich people make money and they are good at it, so when one thing flops, then they move on to another thing. At the moment it's food and water. It's a differnt approach but our nationalities are going to be meaningless. Multinationals make as much profit and more, than countries, so they are having a big say in how things are managed. This erasing of geographical barriers is interesting. It means we shall not belong.

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