
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Child porn websites 'worsening'

Child porn websites 'worsening': "Now web giants including Tiscali, Yahoo and MSN are helping to publicise the IWF's hotline, which allows internet users to report these sites."
Somebody photographs and offers these photos for publication. That's one thing we have to address. Then sites publish them and they are there for all to see. Our children. Our grand children. Our nieces and nephews. The only way we can stop this is to unite across the globe and be extra specially vigilant with the reporting of the stuff. It's no use ignoring it or pretending it doesn't happen. If people are offering these photos we have made it worth their while. We haven't nurtured our children. Now, it probably has something to do with money. Some people can seem to do anything for money. We have to know where our boundaries are and we have to be clear about what we accept. I do not accept the use and abuse of children. Not any children. If internet giants are now going to join the police in their battle against this, then we need to encourage them, to say thank you and get out the message that we value our children and we want them to stay as children, in our care. People are getting behind it now and reporting sites. We need to keep it up. Obviously it is a widespread problem so a lot of people collude in this mistreatment and exploitation of children. They obviously think it's all right. I am not sure why that is.

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