
Friday, November 24, 2006

LCD's bright future

AdelaideNow... LCD's bright future:

"LCD televisions do not reflect light, are comparatively lightweight and easier to mount on walls, use less electricity than plasma and usually have a longer life span."

I have neither a plasma nor an LCD TV and the debate will just have to continue. I prefer the look of LCD. I prefer LCD computer screens because I have one at work, but I don't have one here. I like my laptop screen and I suppose that is LCD. Who knows? It's very shiny and glitzy looking. Crystal clear. What about the dead pixel problem? Is that solved? Nothing like a great screen with dead pixels. Looks daft and is really annoying. Lots of people drool over these big sets. Some people own them. At the time they came out we'd all paid for the larger versions of TVs so to pay out again is not on even if they are getting cheaper...and then there is this constant recycling problem. Has anyone worked out yet that we just can't keep buying and replacing no matter how fancy and cool the stuff is?? The life of equipment these days is ludicrously short. I know it's about the economy and moving on...but we are heaps happier to move in our own time and replace as we need to. I was really happy to go out and get a new , fancier DVD player when one of mine clapped out. It was fun and the store person was really helpful. I like store people who can tell me things and give me clues and answer my questions and have a good set of questions of their own. It makes buying something a really good event!! Then you come home sounding terribly knowledgeable and that only adds to the fun.

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