
Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Health - Life & Style Home :

"A US fitness club with a long list of dos and don'ts for its members expells one of them for grunting."

Is it me or has someone lost control of their linguistic skills??

That apart...poor people for not being able to grunt while they lift weights. We'd all be out!!! Who are these perfectly poised and toned people who can lift weights and keep their grunts to themselves? Are they real? Not allowed to drop weights, either. I am amazed. They could not have rules like this unless they had a clientele which could comply. I am stunned they don't grunt, don't drop weights, don't wear bandannas...the screaming I get. Who are these perfect specimens of humanity?? I thought the bandanna was all part of the outfit?? How else would you know you are a weightlifter? I shall get my score card out on the Olympians next time.

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