
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wave power technology unveiled in Perth

Wave power technology unveiled in Perth :

"'I am very hopeful that wave energy will become an important addition to the suite of renewable energy generators in this state.'"

SA has done a fair bit for a small state to look at renewable energy and to increase the sorts of options we have. WA also seems to have got off its bottom and has been addressing the issues which are bothering us all. It's good to see states actually move ahead in this area when federally we keep discussing everything. We have a lot of knowledgeable and creative people in this country. We also have a lot of enthusiasm and willingness to be proactive, so it's good to see that people can do something worthwhile and productive while the discussions are still being aired. Change is action. The are some things we need to change NOW, so WA is getting onto that. Good.

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