
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Good sports

For ages I have been meaning to say how much better and funnier our sports coverage has been in Adelaide. We have had so many bad things happening and it has been heavy going and heavy weather but the bright spots in the day have come unexpectedly from our sports reporters who are fast becoming legends and a league of their own. The impact they have is to make you thoroughly enjoy the coverage even if you feel lukewarm to cold about sport and then to be wildly enthusiastic about some sports event going on. In the morning Warwick Hatfield has had Adelaide in stitches and one farmer reports better milk production from his cows since he's played Warick to them. Warwick has a wonderful way with words, a really literary approach, and then an offbeat sense of humour. Brilliant morning sports cocktail. Mark Aiston on Channel 10 is always very cheerful, full of pleasant humour and typifies and exemplifies the high level of sports coverage we are currently enjoying in Adelaide. If others are not mentioned it's because it has taken me this long to remember 2 names because I have so enjoyed the sports reports. Normally it's a good time to switch over. Just goes to show what a positive outlook and a thorough approach can do. So will they sell the 20 20 cricket matches to the diehards and is it the cricket of the future?? We are all dying to know now!

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