
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Fat study to look at healthy families

Fat study to look at healthy families:

"“Everyone is different, but somehow the majority of families do support healthy behaviours that produce healthy weight,” Ms Hendrie said."

It may seem obvious to study the families which are succeeding with wieght and health issues, but it is probably advantageous to have the picture really clear. When people use their study time to examine our community problems, I see that as a good thing. It means we will have practical information to work on. Weight , or too much of it, is a lifestyle thing by and large. It's about how we live and what we do or don't do. I have looked everywhere for these obese children. I have seen few. I have seen a lot of painfully thin children with very tiny legs, arms and hips. I have seen overwieght adults and they are very easy to find. Something goes wrong from childhood to adulthood here and by looking at the family set up we may well shed light on how the adults are gaining a lot of weight. I suspect too little time to actually consider their own needs. We'll see. I look forward to hearing what Gilly Hendrie will be able to report back to us because I know we will implement the findings. We are good like that!

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