
Friday, May 02, 2008

The Biggest Loser Finale 2008

All my fatties are gone now! They are all thin!! How impressive were they? I was staggered. It was so fantastic to watch my fatties come out as thin people with such big smiles, such a lot of confidence and a balanced view of life. They looked happy , healthy and well...and Sam pipped Alison to the post, so the women could do it. They just need to be a bit more organised at the start and it's an advantage to have weight to lose at the end.Sam looked so cute and so lovely and he will maybe become the personal trainer he thought of becoming. In any case he may well be the one to get through to people like himself and Michelle . All those young ones trapped in their bulk. He will have a chance now to be young and happy...and normal. He was not able to be normal. But what about Sean? He looked so young and boy, did he ever shape up and turn on the Mr. Cool. What a stupendous effort and thank heavens because he was so close to doing some really serious damage to himself and his family. He looks so young now. John too. There is no doubt weight is aging. Alison looked transformed and will hopefully renew her faith in herself now she is a yummy mummy! Sheridan too looked so happy and well. She seems to have lost her demons as well as her weight and can move on beyond the girl who was straight jacketing herself. An impressive line up and even Steven and Rachel ,who are doddling along, are getting there and if they have another year like this one, they'll be much thinner and they'll be even happier. Truly, a very positive show and I hope to hear from Sam because he really didn't get a chance to say anything and this end he is a really popular winner. So many people are pleased to see a young person like him beat that massive eight problem and come out on top . Bryce looked really well and it's great to know he has totally loosened up and dedicated himself to a happy , healthy lifestyle. All the trainers have done well because they have created such strong winners this year. They are mentally stronger and physically well. That was a pretty big achievement from all the trainers and the show. It may have gone down an odd road at times but the upshot is this year's lot were pretty game and they have turned out to be really quite stable in the end. The proof is down the track, I know, but given it's the third season there is a big network now where people can get encouragement and help. It'll broaden and widen because these people will influence others...and we may well get so many more Australians back on track. It was a lovely, homely show but the contestants were startling and mostly very unassuming and grateful. I think their appreciation of what had taken place in their lives thanks to the biggest loser, was very touching...and well done , Sam. Well done.Now I've got no fatties to watch. Now what am I going to do? It was just so great watching people like Debs reconstruct themselves into confident, cheerful , sassy charmers!

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