
Monday, April 21, 2008

Self-serve check outs are here

Checkout chicks beware - self-serve is here : "GROCERY shoppers will be able to scan, bag and pay for their shopping thanks to a revolutionary roll-out of self-serve checkouts by a major supermarket chain."

Check out chicks? We have a lot of guys on the check outs here. Hm. Anyway, I can't wait to see customers drive themselves crazy when the wrong price comes up and they don't have a bar code...or it doesn't scan or it doesn't have a price. Good luck. There'll be no one to talk to and no one to help. Get rid of staff and increase profits...again??? We are actually waking up to this ploy.I'll be going to a check out with a person. I'm not scanning a trolley load of goods. More and more we are being asked to do everything ourselves. That ad about us pulling out our own teeth wasn't far off the mark.

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