
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brendon Nelson

Reader's Comments: Libs play at follow the leader : "PETER Costello has shrugged off suggestions he’s the “dream” leader of the Coalition - but his support for Brendan Nelson today sounded more dutiful than effusive."

Shrug away. Shrug as often as you feel the need. Brendon Nelson has been left out there alone. The ex government has been behaving in a very offhand, half hearted rather odd fashion. They have provided no support for their current leader, no direction for their party and yet they claim to be able to do better. Brendon Nelson was a team player. He still is but his team seems to have seriously lost it and it is not his fault. He has not been supported by the ex's at all who only seem to be doing what they did before...blow out hot air. We actually don't feel badly towards Brendon Nelson. We can see he is in an invidious position and yet he continues to behave in an impeccable manner and truly, the party needs to get with the program and needs to line itself up with our country. They demonstrate constantly that they are so out of step with the rest of us.

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