
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Young Aussies recognised for courage

Young Aussies recognised for courage :

"The Take 5 Young Bravehearts award ceremony, held at Sydney Aquarium, celebrated the achievements of children who survived life threatening disease such as cancer or meningococcal or have heroin addicted parents."

The extremes are grabbing the headlines and achieving far more attention than they warrant, so it's good to hear there are awards for the sorts of kids we like to know are there to balance the extremes. These kids have strength, courage, grit and a real spirit. They have done the hard yards and have achieved a personal best. They have also shown others how to work through demanding lives and still come out on top. So let's give more airplay to the achievers and no airplay to the destructive influences. The article says it's important to show the world that these sorts of people exist. It's true. We spend far too much time on those who make life nasty and miserable. We should just reward the people who are moving us forward and who avoid being destructive and anti social. I wonder what would happen if we only reported positive events and people for a week? Celebrated our wisdom for a week? Valued our capacity to be a community for a week? Only considered the promotion of the positive human spirit for a week? I dare you.

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