
Friday, July 22, 2005

$200m for 20-year `smart water' projects

The Advertiser: $200m for 20-year `smart water' projects :

"HOUSEHOLD water use will be cut by 25 per cent under a 20-year plan to reduce water use in South Australia."

Really? It would come as a shock if we actually had a cut in rates! In all of this smarter, more efficient, clever world the price of utilities seems to be constantly rising. In with this article is one about another rates hike for housing. The last one caused quite a backlash and for some people, those rates are the difference between feeding their kids and themselves properly in the run up to Christmas or actually affording their home, but given the rental market has priced itself out of most low income earners' budgets , for the first time I am really aware of people in SA actually having difficulty finding a decent place to live. If there could be cuts in utilities because of our more efficient managing of constant waste, then the basic of putting the roof over the head might be better accommodated.

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