
Thursday, November 23, 2006

ALP to examine voucher plan

ALP to examine voucher plan :

"The scheme aims to reduce the amount of welfare money being spent on alcohol and drugs."

The vouchers would not be an issue if we had no problem. We know about people spending family income instead of feeding their children and paying the rent. The cash is tempting. Okay, we'd love to wave a magic wand and rid ourselves of the behaviours which lead to the misuse of money which ought to support the family unit. Oh how nice that would be. Fixing the ills of society is something we need to deal with head on because poor parenting is costing us big time. Money, lives, property, more lives. We do have a damages section of the population which is costing us as a society because we have poor parenting. Why are they poor parents...we'll find a vicious circle. So we need to intervene in a very considered way. We have to stop the cycle and we have talked about this for years. So now we had better get the experts in to plan and think and actually do something. Will the vouchers help in the meantime? Ask the people who are working with these families because I bet we have people working with these families. These families are costing us a lot. People are not bad parents because they plan it that way. They become bad parents because they have behaviours which srive them in a different direction away from nurturing. What would they do with the vouchers? Would they be misappropriated? Would they trade what they get in vouchers? I don't know. I think there are people who could say better and those would be the poeple who owrk with the families or have contact with the families. If they don't have access to cash, will they become more frustrated and violent and create more problems? This cannot be discussed like this. Vouchers is an idea. What else can we suggest? What else might work? Who is more likely to know than us?

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