
Sunday, December 18, 2005

Gippsland chook produces 'egg-streme' lay.

Gippsland chook produces 'egg-streme' lay. :

"A Gippsland chook has produced a 135-gram egg which is more than twice normal size.

Farmer Janet Lamont told Cameron Wilson the chicken coped with the experience."

I wish you could hear Janet Lamont talk. She was so matter of fact about it all, so country Australian and so down to earth. That is a pretty big egg. I wonder if it only had one yolk? Maybe the chicken will be a superchook and lay more giant eggs! I heard this on the radio when I was driving around. I love stories of natural supersizing. Don't know why, but giant pumpkins and huge marrows and massive chocolate cakes have always intrigued me.

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