The Australian: Poms rapt with gift for whingeing :
"One of the more popular English stocking-fillers this Yuletide is a charming little book called Is It Just Me, Or Is Everything Shit?. It's a publishing phenomenon - sales are soaring and copies are flying off the shelves."
While we are talking about racism, may I say that the use of the word Pom is very offensive, pointless, adversarial and I have had a gutful of it. There is no need to be patronising. Sticking with worn racial profiling won't work. Whoever wrote this, didn't get it. I laughed out loud when I read that book title because quite frankly, I have wondered if it's me or if life is just shit. It's catharsis. Reaction. Breaking out. Loosening the elastic and getting into comfy pants as Bloglines put it. Australian people sledge. They rip into people. They go straight for the jugular. English people have a good moan and a cup of tea and then roar with laughter so there is nothing nihilistic about it , as the article suggests. Grumpy Old Men and Grumpy Old Women have touched a chord here as well and so many of the things which were said have given others the courage to change Christmas this year and make it more about them and sharing rather than rigid routine. I broke free when my Mum died and we revamped Christmas to take the burden out of it. It's a very positive time of year and a time to regenerate. It's not about money at all. So if the grumpy books are coming out , you will find a lot of people with tears rolling down their cheeks from laughing and let's face it, we need a good laugh. We do think about the starving people in Africa. I decided to sponsor one this year.
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