
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Violent patients listed

Violent patients listed: "The proposal recommends expanding the existing doctor-shopper hotline - which lists drug-addicted patients who visit multiple doctors to get prescription drugs - to include names of violent patients."

I can well imagine how violent patients will react when they find out they have been listed as violent!! I think we really need to think this one out. It is neither right nor proper that 65% of doctors experience aggressive or violent patients each year. We need to establish the causes. We need to look at protecting those doctors because it is not right. We need to look at why patients are becoming aggressive and then we need to really think about how to manage them. Their illness might be why they are consulting with a doctor. Maybe they need a different set up. If a doctor treats a patient flagged as abusive, how will that help? Flagging them identifies them but it doesn't help the doctor. I have had people I know complaining about the emergency areas of hospitals being too aggressive and then they've had to wait while the aggressive patients are dealt with first. All very well and apparently the hospital staff are doing well in managing these people, but it's at a price to calmer folk. The whole thing needs to be rethought. No one should have to put up with abuse , violence and aggression in the workplace and not doctors and nurses because we need them.

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