
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fast-food groups agree to phase out deadly fats

Fast-food groups agree to phase out deadly fats : "A meeting of food industry representatives in Sydney yesterday agreed to come up with a plan by September to remove trans-fats, which are suspected of raising the risk of heart disease and have already been banned in some overseas jurisdictions.

Federal Assistant Health Minister Christopher Pyne, who called yesterday's meeting, had threatened to force food companies to declare trans-fat levels on nutrition information panels if a voluntary reduction were not agreed."

How sensible is that? How sensible to sit the nutritonists and food suppliers together to work out alternatives instead of putting bad food labels on bad food. I cannot believe in 2007 we cannot feed ourselves properly and that it is even seen as a problem. These companies are in a prime position to lead the market into the right direction and profit themselves and our health. Fast food does not have to be bad. It doesn't have to be boring and it doesn't have to be hard to prepare. Thinking is all that it requires. We have the ideas.

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