
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hole in pyjamas reveals web plagiarism

Hole in pyjamas reveals web plagiarism : "A study published by UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, found that 5 per cent of the 50,000 personal statements surveyed at random contained 'borrowed material,' lifted mostly from one free Web site:

Most of the material plagiarised, however, was adapted by applicants with direct copying from online sources standing at less than 1 per cent, the study revealed."

We get what we are prepared to accept. Standardisation breeds mediocrity. Given the time and chance , the young applicants would probably come up with something really worthwhile. Young people seem to have to work, study, play sport, achieve high grades, play a musical instrument, be confident...there are far too many hoops for them to jump and not one of them is about being a creative individual which takes time, reflection and research. Where do they develop their creative imaginations? While they are constantly asked to achieve and turn in good results, they never get a chance to take time out and simply grow.

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