
Friday, March 09, 2007

Uni students under financial stress

Uni students under financial stress : "A new report, based on a survey of 27 public universities, found that 40 per cent of full-time undergraduates believed paid work was hurting their courses, compared with 16 per cent in 2000."
If they are not stressed while they are studying, they certainly will be very tired and stressed when they gain work. It is so cruel to send young people out into life with a debt like this. Paying fees upfront saves 25% so those who can afford it can save a substantial amount. I was talking to a young lad at the check out last week. He has to do 30 hours paid work because that is how he gets his job. He is trying to study full time and is trying to juggle that. It pulls the standards of courses down and the young people just become tired. He was another one who did not realise that HECS has to be paid back and that paying fees upfront saves 25%. I have lost count of the number of young poeple who think HECS is just money they access to pay their fees. They do not believe they have to pay it back. They don't understand the concept of paying upfront. Working is something they believe they have to do but hen studying is the thing which gets in the way of work. To say the least they are confused. It really isn't fair.

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