
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Iraq cleric slams occupiers

Iraq cleric slams occupiers, mayor shot "Major General Joseph Fil, commander of US troops in Baghdad, said Sadr did appear to have instructed his followers to work with Iraqi security forces, if not with Americans. 'I don't know that we have his support now,' he said."

Four years ago on Friday and what has been achieved? Plenty of money has vanished into military equipment, arms , bombs, back up, ongoing costs...the bottomless funding pit. Plenty of Iraqis have dies. Plenty of others have died and plenty of the military have died. So what have we achieved? Saddam Hussein was hanged but that was over one of his atrocities. What of the others? What of his country?In four years what have we improved in Iraq? Wasn't that what it was about? We knew they weren't a threat. Ousama bin Laden was supposed to be a threat. The WTC centre planes were supposed to have Saudi pilots by and large. Iraq created a terrible mind set for us all and a terrible confusion which we are finally getting straight. We are starting to see what it was all about and what it all means but we do not know why Iraq is left to be the dreadful mess that we created. We are protesting this weekend. We do care. We are not happy and we do want things to change because we can see it is not helping anyone for us to constantly create cruel military circumstances. This whole situation needs to be resolved with talk not killing. We do have to pour oil on the water. We do need to stop our part in it so things can subside. We can help in other ways. Death resolves nothing.

Stop the War Coalition

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