
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

First-time mums at risk of mental illness

AdelaideNow... First-time mums at risk of mental illness:

"During the first 10 to 19 days, the risk was seven times higher thatn that of women with children who had reached the age of one."

This is a 32 year Danish study so it has a bit of meat in it. I can well identify with the findings. It is very hard in the modern world to be a first time mother because you are expected to mother and then go back to work. It is very demanding. It is harder on women in that first year because they often stay home with the baby. I found the first 6 months exhausting. Without support and a group of women to support you, as is often the csse in other cultures and eras, you have to work it all out on the spot when you've had no sleep. So you are exhausted and you have this tiny being who completley engulfs your life, even though you love it. You cannot put it on the shelf. You cannot put it away. You have a totally dependent human being and you just want to sleep. It is so labour intensive. When you have more than one little one it is a recipe for disaster and many woman just become frazzled when they are expected to work as well. You can put them in day care and later you lose control fo them because you didn't make those bonds and connections in the early years. Complex. So complex. You have to really work hard to stay rational and stable against the odds...and yes, cope with the constantly changing hormones. It's the lack of support. In other cultures there is a greater participation of others in caring for the newborn and the mother becomes important and supported. I found it incredibly hard, but it was also incredibly rewarding. I was lucky my Mum helped and I had two friends with littlies too and we were all at home at the same time.

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