
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Investors tricked by bogus black ants

Investors tricked by bogus black ants :

"The report did not explain why the public would want to invest in ants but, in the southern region of Guangxi, black ants are sold by the bagful to be steeped in tea or soaked in liquor as a natural remedy for ailments such as arthritis."

See? The scammers are being trailed and caught everywhere. If it is the same black ants ...why would you want to breed the critters. I saw one outside this morning as I left for work. I hope it's gone because they are so nasty. They trick you into thinking they are spiders and then they turn out to be these huge ants...and the bite is so painful. They are always by themselves and lone how do they breed? Maybe that's why the Chinese are buying them because you never see more than one at a time and you want to know how they multifply. I hate them!!! I'd never buy any...bogus or not.

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