
Monday, May 30, 2005


Council to consider white fly issue. :

"'We need to take the lead by calling for the report to find out to what extent the problem exists across other council areas and ask them if they would also consider contributing towards the cost of the research,' Ms Clearihan said."

Here I seem to have less white fly that last year. I used a tea tree oil solution to spray the plants and trees which had the pesky flies. It dried the foliage but I have no flies this year.They are annoying because they are so prolific and having them around makes everything sticky and then you are inhaling them which isn't very pleasant. It's not unpleasant either. It's just not what you want! I use tea tree oil for everything really. I cannot believe what a wonder product it is. It heals cutsa nd wounds , deters ants, gets rid of white fly and is a good anti fungal agent!

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