
Sunday, June 05, 2005

Vanstone warns against backbencher's immigration bills.

Vanstone warns against backbencher's immigration bills. :

"'My basic proposition is that when there's a problem, you hunt down to see if there are any more and you fix the problem,' she said."

Well, I have just read this article and either Amanda van Stone has been reported out of context or she has completely lost the context of the report she is making. The above sentence does not make sense. You hunt down and see if there are any more what? I thought she meant problems but then she says you fix the problem..singular. So I am clueless . Then she is talking about a cultural change. A user friendly one. Eh? What? Then about a cultural change with relation to the compliance and detention area. Compliance with regard to what? Detention..yes, I think I get that. But that doesn't need a cultural change. It needs an overhaul. Has nothing to do with culture but a lot to do with efficiency and effectiveness. The detention centre is detaining mentally ill people, our own people, it is making people mentally ill and children there are being damaged in a hideous , heartless psychological fashion. Mr Georgiou wants to end long term detention and to release children and she sees that as undermining our migration system and the detention system. The detention system cannot be undermined any more than it is already. It is patently and blatantly clear that it cannot tell who is who and what is what and who belongs where. So it has undermined itself. It doesn't work to protect us and it doesn't work to clarify the identities of detainees. If detainees are in there for a long time then it is a prison because they should be identifiable in a reasonable amount of time...not years. I don't want children locked up in a facility which cannot identify them and has them with people who are disturbed and who become disturbed. A facility which is bricks and cement and appears to have no heart and no capacity to care. Everyone who has visited the Baxter detention centre has come out of the visit shaken and on a mission. That speaks for itself. Silly Mr. Georgiou for trying to put our usual human face on things. We have never treated people like that.

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