
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Rock attacks rattle suburban Adelaide.

Rock attacks rattle suburban Adelaide. 24/02/2005. ABC News Online: "A special police task force is working to prove who is responsible for
a spate of terrifying rock throwing attacks in Adelaide's south, after
yet another incident yesterday."

They have had the description of the car for weeks. I would have thought the rock thrower would have been caught by now. I fully appreciate that if you know the rock thrower you'd be worried what might happen to you if you told the police, but still. This is Adelaide. It's pretty easy to let people know. Besides, this person has rocks in their head. What he/she has been doing has nearly killed someone, and that was so sad to see the pictures of Damian de Wit so still and damaged in hospital. He was so vulnerable and so lucky. The rock thrower doesn't care. I am disappointed we have to pay money in Adelaide to try and catch a complete nutter. Who gets up and wants to chuck rocks at cars? I can remember sitting on the train one day and there was this massive clunk and we all looked at each other and I looked up and there was this idiot on a bike in a black top laughing at us. He'd chucked something off a bridge and at 15 I guess you can be that stupid. Had I had my camera I would've had a good shot. But we shouldn't have to carry our camera and we shouldn't have to live like this. I can actually remember when I could go around town and not worry at all. That we can't be bothered about rock throwers and nutters tells me we think we are powerless. The police are doing what they can. I saw them giving chase around the hills by the bridge trying to catch someone who was throwing rocks around the station. A kid on a bike is quicker than a cop in a car and the terrain means you have an advantage if you are being chased. The car driver is just someone who likes heaving rocks. How you drive and heave great lumps of concrete through someone else's windscreen, I don't know. Maybe there are two of them. The white Mitsubishi sedan has been described several times. Whoever it is will need to be treated for quite some time. Maybe a trip to our Big Boulder will cure them of the rock throwing. Maybe they need to be mining. Damn them. They are trying to kill someone.

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