
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Soccer players at greater risk of motor neuron disease.

Soccer players at greater risk of motor neuron disease. 24/02/2005. ABC News Online

This is a hideous disease. A long time family friend had it and to watch the deterioration and the demise was very upsetting. He had been such a bright , active, charming man and the sad thing was his brain was alert the whole time his body deteriorated. The abilty to speak was taken quite quickly and he communicated a while by writing. It was sad. This is a really worthwhile cause for funding. We don't need to create misery. Life provides us with enough without our man made efforts. This article looks at the incidence in long term soccer players but talks about Stephen Hawkins as well and that man's life has been astounding. That someone with so much going against him has sustained a position of authority, respect and awe for so long is a tribute to his spirit and incredible mind. It also talks about how soldiers coming back from the 1991 Gulf war have shown a high risk of developing MND. It's disgusting, so disgusting. People shouldn't have to suffer like that and given some of it seems to be chemical and given that our technology has improved so much, we would do us all a favour to research this disease and find a way of banishing it from our lives and planet.

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