
Sunday, September 07, 2008

Ça plane pour moi

Large Hadron Collider won't doom Earth - study | "PEOPLE who fear a powerful atom-smashing machine, due to start operations next week, will cause Earth to be gobbled up or reduced to grey goo can rest assured, according to a new study."

Well that's a relief but this giant particle accelerator is going to be used next week and even though the Large Hadron Collider will be in the hands of numerous international scientists, it does make you think. I was reading about the experiment last week. This has just gone ahead and countries have put in safety watch dogs, perhaps there has not been enough done to inform and make the public aware. We tamper too much with nature . Of course we are concerned and the level of physics required to understand how this will operate and why it won't pose a threat is, for so many of us, beyond our understanding. We need someone to come down from the rarefied intellectual atmosphere and reassure us in a way we understand.

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