
Thursday, May 05, 2005

WA town harnesses wind for power.

WA town harnesses wind for power. :

"A multi-million dollar wind turbine has begun operating in Bremer Bay in southern Western Australia.

It is hoped the 600 kilowatt turbine will help solve the town's power supply problems, providing an average 40 per cent of the town's electricity."

We have had huge discussions about wind power here in SA. They were going to build a wind farm down the coast but it was blocked because it would be a blight on the landscape and an eyesore and who wants windmill farms anyway? I'm curious to see how this goes in WA. I mean, we do not have limitless supplies of energy. We have to hunt for renewable sources and clean sources of energy. Environmentalists and scientists have done a lot of ground work but convincing the general public has become very difficult. I have no experience with windfarms, but I can see the sense in harnessing the wind for energy as I can now understand the Hot Rocks approach to energy. We could use more solar energy..but maybe the global dimming , weirdo weirdo grey sky phenomenon would be a barrier and we ought to be able to generate hydro electric power , but I believe that is quite expensive. Wind power seems a viable alternative to me.

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