
Sunday, March 05, 2006

Terminator technology

Campaigners worried about approval of 'terminator technology' - :

"Gene ethics campaigners are concerned a technology which stops seeds breeding naturally will be approved for commercial cropping in Australia.

Members of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, including Australia, banned 'terminator technology' in 2000, when global protests forced biotech company Monsanto to state it would not commercialise the process."

Terminator technology means plants cannot reproduce. They are sterile. We had a sound position on this and now we seem to be back peddling. People need to be able to harvest seeds and replant. If plants are sterile it does threaten food sources and the future of particular species. To say we are in control of this is nonsense. Climate change and unexpected disasters which affect the environment mean we need as many fertile plants as we can constantly muster and we need to have multiple sources of them. Sterility means famine. Modifying our food sources is not sensible. Might be to the economic advantage of some, but for the benefit of all fo us, it is an ill advised approach.Privatising food and water in any way will put us in a precarious position when it comes to survival and sustainability.

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