
Sunday, September 07, 2008

Firefox or Chrome?

I've drunk my cup of tea and my own little experiment has given me something to go on. I won't be using Chrome. There aren't any add ons and I like my Firefox add ons. I have come onto my laptop today because it has the previous version of Firefox and it has Just Blog it. It it so much easier! This version of Firefox is not annoying at all whereas the new one gets a bit annoying at times. I really hate predictive text. ScribeFire is good, really good, but Just Blog It is totally hassle free. If I could work out how to upload my pictures with ScribeFire I'd be a very happy blogger. So, my experiment tells me the newer versions are not worth it really. They have not improved my technological experiences and enjoyment. Most of the time I'm on my desktop for blogging, so I shall be using the new stuff and will just simply get on with it. I think sometimes we make changes for the sake of change.

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