
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Party Panty Line

Minister quits over pants prank: I made a mistake -
Dumped NSW police minister Matt Brown admits he made a mistake when he behaved in a manner "not befitting a minister" during a party at his parliamentary office.

Rightly or wrongly this man has been judged and done away with. For me there is far too much information. Then I wonder why we are reporting this because I don't really want to know. So then I think...where do we draw the line? If people in the public eye are constantly scrutinised and condemned for their every little mistake and never given a chance to make good...we'll end up so boring. Boring , boring , boring and inhuman. In the public sphere I do expect people to act with dignity and aplomb...when they are in public , doing their job. If they pull their pants ( read trousers) off at a party and dance about when they are tanked, do I care? People do daft things when they are partying? How far is too far and how many people will be sacrificed because we cannot accept daft behaviour? The problem we have is we live in an age where protocol and manners are not clear and then people get attacked and lampooned . Is his behaviour serious? I don't think so. I just think he is daft. he's said sorry. He feels bad about it. He hasn't done anything illegal or gross. So where do you draw the line on gross? If we have people who are squeaky clean I don't think it will help us. If we do not allow people to make amends and learn and grow when we live in an age where there is total lack of clarity about social protocol, then they need a chance to prove themselves. past that point I think we need to draw up a list of rules for incumbent ministers and bring back lessons in fine living and party etiquette.

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