
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Blasts hit Tour de France

AdelaideNow... Blasts hit Tour de France: "The Tour, in its final week, was plunged in controversy after pre-race favourite Alexander Vinokourov tested positive for blood doping."

The Tour de France has been spectacular viewing this year. The scenery. The riders. I feel really sorry for those riders who love the sport. I feel really sorry for those cyclists who get out there to be the best cyclist in such a race. They are having to put up with a constant onslaught of discredit brought upon them through people doing the wrong thing and now they are coming under attack. Who would benefit from stuffing up the Tour de France? If you damage it, what have we lost? The Tour Down Under has been inspired by the Tour de France and a lot of people get back into cycling because of the impact of such races. It's a situation where you really hope that good principles and practice will overcome adversity.

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