
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Private school fees rise

Private school fees rise despite windfall: "MELBOURNE'S top private schools have enjoyed windfall gains in Commonwealth funding with increases of up to 500 per cent in recent years, but have continued to hike their fees at well above the inflation rate."

I do not actually understand why private schools get Government funding but I am sure there is some ludicrous economic explanation of this. Proper funding for proper children. User pays. There are plenty of state school which need programmes, infrastructure and repairs. I am sure state school children would like state of the art classrooms and buildings. It's about the accumulation of wealth. Some of these schools are becoming very rich and are investing in buildings which will increase their wealth. it's like churches used to do. Private schools have become the new era churches so that wealth is accumulated in their land and buildings. Investment for the wealthy. Given the parents are also being charged extra fees so I guess it's about just how far they can push their income mechanisms. So what is in it for the children and how does it help education? We really are getting good at the haves and the have nots.

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