
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Canary of Climate Change

We're the coalmine canary of climate change | The Australian
"In a way ... Australia is the canary in the coalmine. You are ahead of time and are actually ploughing through things that people are only talking about in scientific rooms. Here you have to live the experience.

In lots of ways we don't have the extremes people have talked of ...the massive floods followed by giant dust storms. We do have a lot of commited environmentalists and biodiversity experts because it becomes a way of life here. The problem is many of these people are ignored. Many of these people who know our land have not been listened to because making money has been more important. Driving through plantations, killing corellas, getting rid of the pockets of woodland which house rare plants and birds have all been done. We are environmental vandals and yet we have access to brilliant expertise . This is a country where some people are just so much part of our land it is truly amazing. I'd like to think we can now sit down with these people and put some useful ideas into practice. I should like to think we could create plans where we can all be used to rebuild this environmental mess. I'd like to think we could put development aside and learn to integrate what we are doing to create better living spaces into something which is both economically viable and environmentally sound. We do have the capacity to do this because we are able to haul as a team. The us and them attitude has truly got us up the proverbial creek...and I don't want to be a canary because are surrounded by galahs .

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