AdelaideNow... Child's play exempt from water rules:
"SA Water has said there is no restriction on using a sprinkler, as long as it is clearly for children's play, is portable and the sprinkler is placed on a lawn.
The only request SA Water has asked is that people be water-wise and put 'some limits' on the activity."
This is about telling us how we can use our water. Why not give us an allocation. Equity??? I think not. It's outrageous. I should like to clean my gutters with the spray cleaner I have but I am not allowed. It is not actually safe or fair to put me up on a ladder to clean them. Using water , it's a 5 minute efficient job. So, do we go and get children so we can get sprinklers going on our gardens? If people don't live near the beach there are baths. It's about where you live. If you have a pool, you have a pool. In truth, households are not the ones wasting water, but I am dumbfounded by this decision when we have an aging population. Some adults are entitled to stand under the sprinkler. Either we have restrictions or we don't. I now think they are a joke. I am so cross. Just give us an allocation and let us decide what we do with it. I am so going to burst. Food and farmers come first, surely?? This is ...I am so cross!!!
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