
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Earth Charter in Action

Earth Charter in Action: "At a meeting at the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Headquarters in Paris in March 2000, the Earth Charter Commission negotiated and approved, by consensus, a final version of the Earth Charter."

Some people on this planet have enjoyed doing the opposite of what is in this charter. The Earth Charter is available online in over 30 different languages and I think it's time we revisited it and brought it back into focus. The reason? Most of us believe and endorse what is written here and it's the basis of positive and optimistic discussions for our new, global society. We do want to look at sustainability. We do want to look at how people are treated. We do believe in negotiating, saving carbon and treating others with respect. We do want to save our animals and plants and we do want to do something about global warming. Most of us find joy in the discovery of other cultures and other people. You can endorse the charter if you wish. You can become an engaged endorser and participate in the activities organised by the ECI. You can simply look, read and discuss so we at least put this back on the agenda and make it work if that's what we believe is the right thing to do.

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