
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Vladimir Bond

Putin 'saves TV crew from tiger' - ABC News
Mr Putin quickly shot the beast and sedated it with a tranquilliser gun.

Vladimir Putin is developing a bit of a Bond image through the media. There is a part of him which is very efficient and fearless and the media images are more Bond-like than head of state. On the other side there is his unrelenting treatment of the Georgians which don't really sit well with someone who appears to be articulate and competent in many respects. He certainly did this film crew a favour with his quick thinking and it's important that, as a leader, he has the capacity to lead. He did this in this situation. He has also highlighted that saving the Siberian tiger has been a joint European, American and Russian initiative which has seen the species thrive. In other words he has enabled nations to work with his country to save the lives of a threatened species and then he himself has saved the lives of people he was working with. So why can't he find a way of negotiating with the Georgians? We have Georgians and Russians here so we do at least have some insight into the intricacies of the problem...but they can talk about it. They can see solutions. I hope Vladimir Bond will be able to as well.

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