
Sunday, March 05, 2006

Not even a drop

The Advertiser: Not even a drop :

"'There has been plenty of rhetoric about returning water to the Murray, but all you've really got is a lot of people with egg on their faces,' he said.

'There have been significant water savings, particularly in NSW and Victoria, but it appears the water is going into opening up more agricultural production rather than being returned as environmental flows. The bottom line is the ecosystem is going down the gurgler.'"

Yes, all talk and no action, but drought conditions in some places and flooding elsewhere has made it a bit of a tricky problem to solve. What we need are facts and information and a real plan to save the Murray. Talking about it is not working. Predicting this and that is not working. We need to look at the facts. We need to look at what we can do with flood water. We need to be a bit more realistic and creative in our approach. The red river gums are stressing and we are the ones who can help change this but we need to be a bit more hard headed and less inclined to make something sound good. We are making savings and okay, they are not a good as we expected. Maybe they are the best we can do under the circumstances. Maybe we just need to make sure we are going forward and that we are looking at every part of the problem so that we can use all of the resources available to us. No one said it was going to be easy and we are paying that Save the Murray levy and we are saving that let's move on , shall we?

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