
Friday, April 25, 2008

Sarkozy admits 'mistakes'

Sarkozy admits 'mistakes' during first year in power : "'France has been asleep for the past 25 years... We have a difficult international context, all the more reason to accelerate reforms,' Mr Sarkozy said."

Oh yes, it is their fault, they are not up to it and yes, there is such a difficult international context...we can see what people are doing now. If we are looking at M. Sarkozy du bout du monde and we are wondering what on earth is going on in France c'est pas de la petite bière! Truly, he seems to be spending a lot of time on himself and his image and very little on what it means to be the president of France and they are giving him a chance. He doesn't appear to be able to operate at that level even though he has been very competent in the past. The Peter Principal? The French have been working their derrières off to get into the international scene and be part of the international community. Their contributions are not insignificant. Should their current President be blissfully unaware of his country's capacity to involve itself globally then that tends to suggest it is not the French who have been sleeping. Unfortunately they voted for him.

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