
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Caffeine capitalists at work

Caffeine capitalists at work - Executive News at The Big Chair: "'I have everything I need right here,' he says. 'I've got my mobile Skype phone, a Dell laptop. I come here, plug this in and I'm at work. If I have to see a customer or someone in the media, it's pretty cool to meet in a good location without paying $600 a week for a little, shitty office. You just have to drink enough coffee to defuse the guilt.'"

Cafes the new offices? The Left bank up and running all over the world? Thinkers and social change provocateurs? I love it. It's what has been missing. Cafes and bars always used to be where great ideas were born. It would be nice to think we are coming back into a creative phase for humanity.

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