
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Desperate and Cakeless

I was. I was so bereft. My lovely, lovely brother in law who made this most fantastic Dundee cake for us each Christmas is gone. We are having an underdone Christmas. Plenty of spirit and feeling...but not too tinselly. So we were desperate and cakeless and I couldn't bring myself to make his cake nor could I insult his memory by buying one at the shop. So thank heavens for the internet. I fell upon this recipe when I was looking for a recipe for baked ricotta...we are healing ourselves through family cooking and we are all making a Christmas but quietly. Cooking really is therapeutic but it can stress you out if you think it's too hard and we thought the Christmas cake was too hard. It's not. A big cake tin, 15 mins max of stirring. I used fig jam and not marmelade. I used sherry. I added a bit of cinnamon, lots of mixed spice , nutmeg and 2 packets of red glace cherries. I crashed out in the chair for the 2 and a half hours it baked. I have been very complimented...everyone loves the cake. Weighs a tonne so a little goes a long way.

So, you can do it. Here's how!

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