
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Man dies after family loses life support battle

Man dies after family loses life support battle : "His sister Isabel says she though Mr Melo was trying to speak to their father yesterday before his life support was turned off."

This family has my heartfelt sympathy. Having done one funeral and having narrowly missed another, hoping every day the wheels won't fall off again, I feel so sorry for this family. Yes, he was 29 and very badly injured but it now means they are spending Christmas mourning and having to go to a funeral. They could have had some time to gather at Christmas and come to terms with it all. Their whole world has been blown up for the want of a few days grace. At Christmas they would have talked about it. So while we take time to be with our families they have to plan a funeral and that will be hard because Christmas can be a difficult time to get people together. I just hope something will happen to restore their hope in human kind. I know the hospital has done its bit and considered this, but the timing is awful.

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