
Friday, October 27, 2006

Police defend operations after teens run amok

Police defend operations after teens run amok:

"Police have been forced to defend their operations at Glenelg after hundreds of drunken teens ran amok in Moseley Square over the weekend."

It's neither the police nor the shop owners who are the problem. The only people who need to defend themselves are the youths and their parents. This is how the teenagers think they can behave in the Glenelg area. Who socialises children? Who gives them community values? I think the shop owners have every right to complain. The police are in the front line and are dealing with it as best they can, though. Glenelg ought to be a nice place to visit. I no longer go there. The last two times someone had tried to break into my parked car and the time before than there was a gang launching itself erratically around the place. I used to love Glenelg. A lot of people did and most of us laugh when we talk about the post office area and Moseley Square. We get what we are prepared to accept. Kids used to be part of the community. Now there's a group who've gone tribal. The other kids take no notice and have no wish to be associated with them and just say they are stupid. Why is there that split? And why do some kids think that destructive behaviour in the public arena is fine? They are determining what occurs and who goes there. No point in advertising it as a tourist attraction while it remains like that. There needs to be some solid discussion about how we can fix it. It is a community problem...and we are fed up with reckless kids. Really fed up.

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