
Friday, March 16, 2007

School rejects homeless girl

School rejects homeless girl: "Kimberley Williams, 15, lives in a tent with her mum and brother in parklands near West Tce in the city."
Housing ought not be a factor in obtaining schooling. This is 2007. A family living in a tent in Adelaide in 2007? That is outrageous. I cannot believe it. People need to be in houses. If people run away from home and live on the streets I can see that as a tricky thing to manage , but I doubt that this woman is living with her 2 children in a tent by choice and no matter what the reason, the children are entitled to a home and school. The government housing is coming...but so is Christmas. This is Adelaide. It seems unthinkable. I am well aware we have some people who rent houses and trash them. I have had it around here and people I know have had destructive neighbours. It's very upsetting for us and for the landlords. I realise this is a problem. Why is this lady in a tent? Is her boy at school? It's no use pretending it's not there. We need to look at how we can solve our housing problems.

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