
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Paris sends wrong message

AdelaideNow... Paris sends wrong message: "'Celebrities like Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson and Hilary Duff have dogs which they dress up and take out like they are some sort of fashion accessory,' Animal Welfare League spokes-woman Donna Sullivan said."
Well, here's a surprise. Yes, shock, horror, girls want to grow up to be like Paris or any of the other rich, rich ,rich...isn't that what it's about? How rich can I be and then what can I do to attract attention? It's not about thinking. It's not about being. It's about having. Have, have ,have...humans are more about being than having but all this accessorising and throwing money around is fun. You don't actually have to do anything of consequence. Just be there with pots of money and an image. Girls who never grow up. Never take control. Just play all the time. So yes, whatever it takes. Who cares if it's a problem. They'll pay to remove it and pass it on. Money buys parents in all shapes and sizes. So what was that about the education of girls?

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