
Monday, March 12, 2007

Earth Hour

Earth Hour - Home: "At 7.30pm on 31 March 2007, we are inviting Sydneysiders - businesses and individuals - to turn off their lights for just one hour, Earth Hour, as a sign of their commitment to reduce global warming."

March is shaping up to be the month where the citizens of planet earth are prepared to put their money where their mouth is a show a commitment to reducing the causes of global warming even if our leaders do keep clap trapping about how they are going to make changes and then keep investing in coal. Sydney is leading the way with Earth Hour on March 31st at 7.30pm. It will be the equivalent of taking 75 000 cars off the road. So...this site is designed to give you all the help you need and there is talk in Adelaide of lending our own hand in the initiative. Why not? Then if the whole planet turned off the lights for one hour on March 31st, just imagine! There are more of us and we care. We have had enough of the hot air and people are starting to rally their own groups. Even our magazines are getting behind carbon saving emissions and helping us to forge a better path. Our own Womadelaide Festival is going to clean its carbon footprints and is a great example of how an event can highlight our need to be mindful. Our governments have whittered on. We are taking action because we do not like the big picture. It sucks big time.

March 24th is Shutdown Day

it's not only going to save electricity, it will make you realise how dependent you are on your computer...or not. Some people are relaly panicking that they would have to give up computer use for a day. Unbelievable. It'd be a great way to save energy because we have been forced to be dependent on all this stuff which just sucks up time and energy...and creates waste we really haven't learned to deal with effectively. If nothing else shut your computer off for the day and think about how we can fix those issues...or just enjoy the company of real life friends!

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