
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tatiana in tears after medals returned

AdelaideNow... Tatiana in tears after medals returned:

"The Gold Coast-based athlete and model is still missing a flag bearing the autographs of the entire Sydney Olympic team, a 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games silver medal and a bronze medal from the 2001 Goodwill Games in Brisbane."

It was great how school kids provided the buffer zone for Tatiana when she originally had the medals stolen. I have blogged about that previously. She did at least come to find that Australia prizes and values her dearly and that must have given her heart. She was taking it all in her stride. She is is very straight forward and very dedicated to her sport which is why we all know and respect her and saw it as outrageous her medals were stolen. No wonder she was emotional when they were returned. She has put so much heart into being a top athlete. I hope they find the flag.

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